The art of photography is to capture and maintain authentic, reliable event the most unexpected and interesting way. To learn how to make interesting pictures while traveling, it is first necessary to carefully study the manual for your camera. Maybe it has some useful functions, which You don't know yet. You need to carefully read and not be afraid to press the button, to try to photograph, to see what this gives. Only with experience can achieve good results.
One of the basic concepts in photography is composition. Some people sense of composition given by nature, they can intuitively make artistic pictures. The other, the need to learn. The composition is a collection of parts that reflect a single unit, this photo looks harmonious. Each frame should be:
- interesting content and artistic design. Need to show something unusual, informative, instructive, so it was interesting to many people;
- bright visual solution, which depends on lighting, composition, colors (nature, interior design, clothing, etc). The composition passes the colors and their distribution in the frame.
Photography is flat still image (not the bas-relief, which has a volume, not a movie that has dynamics), it is oriented only to the eyes and can be implemented only with the help of figurative elements. For best transfer of the composition can be used in frames perspective which is created in different ways:
- using the location of one object after another, when you shoot something with a relatively close range (photograph of a group of people, objects, still life).
- linear perspective - similar objects in the frame as the distance becomes smaller, for example pillars staring into the distance of the road, the bridge supports and other objects. Such stories are shooting wide angle lens, which well reflects the perspective.
- tonal perspective is the composition of light and dark (in the foreground clearly a significant subject and, for example, faded mountain in the background).
- Color composition - selection of the most winning colors, for example, the alternation of light and dark.
To create compositions when shooting different subjects, it is possible to rearrange them. A tourist, as a rule, this is not possible, so you can change the order by moving yourself.
Highlights in pictures:
- selection of survey points (one or the other point that is selected for shooting, lets you change the position of people or objects in the frame). You need to determine the winning point for shooting, to go, to seek, to train. This is particularly important in landscape photography.
- select the border of the frame. The frame needs to be filled, but less than in the extra frame, the stranger, the better. Each of the four edges of the frame must have its justification. If any border of the frame can be moved without changing the semantic content of the photos, it is not justified.
- just press the button. The situation during shooting are changing all the time, so very interesting points you can do just a series of shots, then choose the best or just catch the right moment.
Each photograph must be something important, if not, then the picture becomes meaningless and uninteresting. The main object to be shifted slightly to the right or to the left, but do not place it in the center of the frame or on the corners and that's the main thing you need to be able to stress. The main object can be highlighted at the expense of sharpness (main sharply, the rest is blurry), you can define due to the lighting (important - well-lit, minor in shadow). You can focus on your home with the help of tonal contrast (dark - bright) or color (color matching). In addition to the main object in the photo are frequently used accessories that help draw attention to the main thing. Great importance has the background, or the background. According to the photographer, it can be made clear that individual parts are clearly visible, or, conversely, to blur. This is achieved through focus and selected exposure (the ratio of major adjustments - shutter speed, aperture and sensitivity).
The photographer needs to look at the world through different eyes, to see reflections, shadows, highlights, texture, and using my experience to carry it to the images. Important to get nice pictures has lighting: ambient, hard or soft. The cameras have a white balance adjustment, which is used in various types of lighting. The white balance is better to have both and then, if the lighting is not changing, to shoot a series of frames with the same setup. To understand how the result is affected by various types of lighting, it is advisable to read the professional literature, or come by yourself through trial and error. Master the art of photography not as fast as many would like, but this is a very interesting and exciting experience, especially when I travel.