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How to learn photography

Where to start?

Just grab your camera, turn on auto and shoot. Let the results in the beginning will be not very good, but you will gain basic experience, which you then will be very useful during the development of more advanced techniques of shooting. Shoot what you like and try to do it intelligently. Ideally made for each photograph you must have the answer to the question of why you took the picture this way? Try different options - take pictures from different angles, different distances, with different lighting. When viewing photos identify regularities which photos look best and worst and why? How would you reshoot this story, if given another opportunity? Still, try to pay as little time reading forums with discussion techniques. They are useful only when you choose the camera or lens, but when you your choice is already made. It's time to switch to sites with beautiful photos, articles about the filming process. Most often they can register and chat with the authors of any works and articles. Do not expect that they will generously share with you my secrets, however, you'll get much more useful knowledge than looking at the per-pixel test photos (professional slang such activity is called "fatounanm"). There are no bad genres and good - it is only important to find your. Better be a good landscape painter than a mediocre wedding photographer (and Vice versa). Of course, sooner or later the moment will come when you will want to go beyond the auto mode. Any beginner there is a huge number of questions on the capabilities, camera functions and how to use them effectively. This will be discussed below.

Basic guidelines for the preparation of the composition

Taking pictures of a man in full growth, do not put his face in the center of the frame. First, you will cut off his legs, and secondly, the field of view will be used inefficiently. People get a small, but over the head it will have a lot of extra space. The face of the person put in the frame on the upper line of the Golden section or slightly higher. Choose the optimal shooting distance. If you remove an object from a distance, it can be too small will be around a lot of extra space with unnecessary details, and the details of the subject are not clear. Don't shoot against the light sources is almost certainly the pictures will turn out only the dark silhouette of the subject. If there are no other options, try to flash the flash object. Photographing a group of people, be sure to get some pictures. The law of meanness almost certainly someone will blink, turn away or pulled a face that even though the image take :) If you are taking pictures of the child, do not remove top-down, do not be lazy to sit down. Use the zoom (zoom) in accordance with removable plot. Do not remove the close up portraits with a wide angle lens, it distorts the proportions of the face. The optimal range of the focal length for portrait photography - 80-130 mm (Corresponds to the zoom, 3-4x most compact vehicles). For shooting portrait at full length, use the focal distance of the order of 35-50 mm (1.5-2x zoom of citraconate).


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